modluk için aranan şartlar: yeni gine savciligindan iyi hal kagidi certificate of good conduct from public prosecutor of republic of new gine saglik ocagindan tam tesekkullu rapor (100 m 4 sn altinda kosulacak.) complete healt report from hospital (100 mt must be run under 4 sec.) marsa ait ikametgah (mars muhtarindan) residence paper from mars (self governing of mars province) i.q testi (50 nin alti tercih sebebidir.) i.q test (being under 50 is preferred) 2 universite diplomasi harvard tercih nedenidir.(en azindan bogazicinin onunden gecmesi sarttir) two university diplomas, harvard is preffered. ( at least, passing on front of bosporus university is necessary) kagit oyunlarini iyi bilmesi ve hayatinda en azindan bir kere 3 sahit onunde oyunu cizmesi en onemli sartimizdir.sahitlerin noter onayli sehadet belgelerinin basvuruya eklenmesi zorunludur. knowing to gamble is a necessary condition and applicants must show that they prove by three eyewitness. eyewitnesses have a certificate of witnessing approved by notary
#259219 moridin | 22/07/2014 05:10